[Artikelnummer: XY432]
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Standardversand (ePacket):7-10
Produktname: | Meerjungfrau Halfter ärmellose lange Ballkleider mit Schärpe |
Artikelnummer: | D155428416308517 |
Farbe: | Wie Bild,Weiß,Elfenbein,Rosa,Bonbon Rosa,Perlen Rosa,Altrosa,Wassermelonen,Rot,Fuchsia,Weinrot,Schokolade,Braun,Golden,Chamagner,Orange,Gelb,Gelb,Regency,Purpur,Lila,Lavendel,Himmel Blau,Blau,Meerblau,König Blau,Tintenblau,Navy Blau,Schwarz,Silber,Dunkel Grün,Jade,Grün,Salbeigrün,Mint Grün,Violett |
Maß: | EU 32,EU 34,EU 36,EU 38,EU 40,EU 42,EU 44,EU 46,EU 44 G,EU 46 G,EU 48,EU 50,EU 52,EU 54,EU 56 |
Kategorie: | Abiballkleider Abendkleider |
Ausschnitt: | Neckholder |
Schnitt: | Meerjungfrau Stil |
Ärmelart: | Ärmellos |
Länge: | Bodenlang |
Verzierung: | Gürtel |
Received my dress today and it is great, better than the picture. I was unsure about buying my dress online but I'm glad I did as the workmanship is brilliant - there is no way I could get a dress like this in Australia for the price I paid. Thank you !!
i love love love this dress. It came exactly as the photo. I order it in ivory and its is amazing.
I was definitely one of the skeptical buyers but my dress came exactly according to the charts estimated days. The dress looks exactly like the picture! Very nice quality as well! I will continue to make purchases from this site! Thanks so much newarrivaldress!
very pleased with the dress fantastick
Very satisfied with the dress, ordered it in white and it is great! Also made from a tafetta stye material which love!